Call on Senators to STOP Israeli Annexation of West Bank
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“I am writing to you out of a personal concern urging you to protect the Human Rights of the Palestinian People.
On 28 May, 2020, Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu verbally committed to annexing parts of the West Bank in July after a joint Israeli-US team completes the mapping of an exact territory based on the conceptual map put forth by President Trump's administration.
The Netanyahu and Gantz annexation plan, the Trump administration’s “Peace and Prosperity” plan, and the expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank & East Jerusalem all upend long standing American foreign policy and exist in violation of the principles of international law and United Nations resolutions. The blatant and flagrant infringement on Palestinian human rights & territorial integrity in this moment of history is a corruption of our American values which aim to protect human life and offer all people freedom and equality.
Furthermore, the occupation, land annexation, expansion of illegal settlements on Palestinian land, and decades-long construction of Israel’s apartheid wall to separate itself, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank all undermine any chance for peace to exist in the region. By fragmenting and destroying the contiguity of the land delineated by the 1967 borders, this annexation plan makes a mockery of the viability of a future Palestinian state.
The present day reality for Palestinians is that their access to water and water aquifers on Palestinian land is controlled, restricted, and redirected to illegal settlements (often times allowing only a few days of water-access to Palestinian villages/towns/cities, while illegal settlements enjoy unlimited and uninterrupted access to clean water). Military checkpoints, segregated areas, road blocks, and settler violence cut off Palestinian families from one another and eliminate any opportunity for Palestinians to experience any degree of a quality lifestyle. The lives of Palestinian men, women & children are at perpetual risk under these conditions.
I call on you, as my representative, to:
1. Support human rights, equality, freedom and self-determination for the Palestinian people;
2. Affirm the right of both the Palestinian people and Israeli people to live in peace and security;
3. Endorse H.R.2407 “Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli
Military Occupation Act” cosponsored by 24 Democratic members of the House of
4. Condemn and denounce in the strongest terms the annexation of Palestinian land and expansion of illegal
Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the Trump administration’s ‘Peace and
Prosperity’ plan, the endorsement of the illegal annexation agenda, and the flagrant disregard of
Palestinian human rights and freedom.
5. Call for an immediately end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.
6. Make United States military aid to Israel conditional on ending Israeli practices that violate Palestinian rights and contravene international law.”